March 1, 2025

Venus Wars (spoilers)

When discussing the Venus Wars motion picture, the two words that come to my mind are vapid and gaudy. Now I just came off a casual rewatch of my favorite anime film - Crusher Joe. I really was inspired to check out more of Yoshizaku Yasuhiko's works (I also just rewatched Arion, which I think was slightly better on the second pass.. but eh. maybe i'll talk about it another time). I just love the way he draws stuff, and knowing what i know about the production of Crusher Joe, surely another picture with his involvement would be stellar, yes? No. I have mixed feelings about this flick, and overall they are teetering between apathy and disgust. You'll see what I mean..

Venus Wars plays itself too straight. The chauvinist locker-room types, the homophobes, and the dull blades among us will have the easiest time digesting this one. For the rest of us, it's a very simple movie that banks all of its chips on the visuals and war pornography to sell itself. I can say that the visuals ARE among the best Yasuhiko's art has ever looked in motion, though i can't say you'll get much else other than a basic hero's journey and a random dose of homophobia. Watch Crusher Joe, that movie is like what a real fucking movie is supposed to be. For as much as I hated Arion on my first go-around, I will say that I overall enjoyed it much more than this. If it wasn't for the art and cinematography, this film would be offensively forgettable on basically all other levels.

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