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Shining Force Gaiden II: The Sword of Hajya (1993) - unrated

This game is not that difficult, but the intense flashing on every attack and move gave me a headache after a while.

Otherwise it's fun, just remember to take a break.

Date published: Sun, 28 May 2023 03:58:47 +0000

Wibarm (1986) - unrated

This game is an absolute PAIN IN THE ASS TO GET RUNNING. If you ever find this and have difficulty, here's what i did.
My Setup:
- Dell Dimension XPS T450, Pentium III, 96 Megabytes of ram
- OS: Windows 2000 Professional (5.0 Build 2195)
- GPU: Nvidia GeForce2 MX 200, 64 meg vram

I copied my diskette on to a flash drive, drive E. After doing a lot of running it over and over again, it eventually wanted to make a user disk

I first tried to avoid doing this step, but i kept running into issues. "graphics mode not supported" and all that. Then, i ran a little program called forcecga, that comes with the myabandonware version of the game (try running that one if you can). After running that I placed a blank diskette into my floppy drive, and it wrote to it. After writing a new diskette, the game booted right in.

I tried to move the game's executable files to my main hard drive, but after I did that the game does not work, and thus it only runs from the flash drive.

My computer sometimes gets confused with DOS games, and oftentimes they crash at strange intervals. Wibarm runs rather well, and I have encountered no such issues. Since I made the disk, wibarm as it runs on my flash drive works flawlessly. Idk why, or how this program works. Hopefully this weird adventure helps you play the game.

The game itself is neat, I'm still figuring it out, but I enjoy what I've played so far. I recommend you play it.

Date published: Tue, 30 May 2023 06:28:42 +0000

Ninja Burai Densetsu (1992) - unrated

pretty neat game, I only played for a short while. noting it so i can come back later.

Date published: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 09:52:31 +0000

Mega Turrican (1993) - ★★★

I appreciate the music and tech behind how the rendering works a lot but damn this game is like really hard. it's like really really hard, especially that second area man. WOW

Date published: Sun, 04 Jun 2023 23:07:07 +0000

Homestuck (2009) - unrated

When I found this I was looking for ms paint comics and seeing what types of art people were making with it. The original mspaintadventures website was one of the first results. As a text adventure fan, I really enjoyed the inspirations homestuck took from older computer games and other similar content. It just hit with me, ya know? I was pretty young when I found this, and it all seemed so different and creative.

After i finished the first act tho, i started to really get confused with the additions of so many characters, and had to drop it. I think I tried to keep up with the series through reading people fan works and youtube videos, but I never ended up understanding the full adventure. I still really cherish the time I spent with the story, and I still do think of Homestuck on April 13th.

Date published: Thu, 22 Jun 2023 01:49:34 +0000

Gauntlet IV (1993) - ★★★★½

If you like arcade the original arcade game, and you enjoy intense, repetitive arcade games in general, this is a great game. If not, you probably won't like it much. I wish it had battery save instead of password save for the story mode, and I also wish the story mode had slightly more meat to it, but it's still very fun. Many have spoken highly about how good this music is, but the music just hits different when actually playing the game too. It's almost intoxicating, and gets you craving for that pixel blood-lust this game totally delivers on. Would recommend for arcade fanatics!

Date published: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 01:21:27 +0000

Joust (1982) - ★★★

My local arcade has this game, tho i have also played the 2600 version. It's pretty neat for what it is, overall the game is pretty funny. Bashing birds and making them lay eggs?? goofy ass game is worth checking out

Date published: Sat, 04 Mar 2023 01:00:58 +0000

Pong (1972) - ★★★★½

Played at my local arcade with a friend. It was around 10pm, we were burnt out on Marvel vs Capcom and Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder. Looking for a place of refuge, we happened upon a darker corner of the already dimly lit Barcade, and between two space age leather chairs sat the cocktail-style pong cabinet. It was the only machine in the house priced at a single token, and you could tell it was old because it was also the only machine in the house that had an old label for ten cents instead of the customary 25 or 50.

I mean we all know that pong is already a pretty good game right? But something about that vibe of finding it in it's own little void after the busy intensities of more modern games, retreating to the old and worn down knobs and the ominous white glow of the CRT. You could feel the game's age when the screen had to align itself once you put in the quarter.

I hope I'm not coming off as too pretentious right now, but that was a fun and memorable moment. Even though everyone's played pong, it still felt like we found something special that day.

Oh, and I totally kicked his ass too.

Date published: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:15:06 +0000

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (1991) - ★★★

They fixed all the problems people had with the NES game and it took out like half the charm. It's quite fun tho! Great for a little pocket adventure.

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:37:02 +0000

Combat (1977) - ★★★

This game is an OK distraction. Not super fun these days, probably good way to settle arguments tho lol

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:38:49 +0000

Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988) - ★★★★★

It's an 8 bit game with extremely solid gameplay, smooth difficulty curve, and never overstays its welcome.

Not to mention the good presentation on the Advanced remake. This is a good game everyone should play.

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:55:44 +0000

Final Fantasy Adventure (1991) - ★★★½

This is a pretty good game boy game, I think the dungeon design, especially early on is pretty nice. It is obtuse at times, and you will certainly need a guide to solve a puzzle or 2, but it's generally a great little game. I played a lot of it when I was a kid, and have just gotten back into it. I will update this review once I complete it.

Date published: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:09:59 +0000

Ninku Gaiden: Hiroyuki Daikatsugeki (1995) - ★★★½

Really really good Pengo clone. Marking it so I don't forget.

Update (May 20th, 2023):
Every time i try to write a longer review, I end up going back into the game and playing it all over again. It's a very, very good game. PLAY IT. However, there are two big problems that stop the game from being an all time great. Those are
1. The puzzle sections. Slide puzzle sections happen after you finish all the levels in a world but before the boss fight of that world. These totally ruin the flow of the game. You're used to these really fast and high reaction time Pengo levels, then suddenly you have to solve a slow, calculated puzzle. Although you can wait and inspect the puzzle for as long as you need to without pressing anything, that doesn't change the fact that you have to change your whole mind set while playing them, and they feel very out of place. If you fuck up the puzzle, you have to restart the level at the expense of a lost life. If you lose your lives, then you start the whole world over again. Not very fun, especially after you feel you're doing well. You'll either get these puzzles right away, or you'll spend a long ass time figuring it out. I wish they didn't make this a mandatory part of the game. After the first two worlds, the puzzles become randomly selected from an unknown list of them, meaning you can't simply remember what you did the last time you reached the puzzle section.

2. Those fucking frogs. The frog enemies are almost impossible to touch. They jump all over the map. Worse still, the map is absolutely covered in blocks that you can't easily get rid of. WORSE STILL is the little timer, that makes the enemies slowly get more hostile as time drags on, making them EVEN HARDER TO HIT. Not a poggers part of the game, I only cleared it once, then got filtered to high hell by the puzzle it decided to give me.

As far as I can tell, you don't need any Japanese to play this. BUT those two points can be quite frustrating if you're not ready for them. Other than that, the game is perfect. Even more so on real hardware. Play it play it play it

Date published: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 07:09:57 +0000

Tearaway (2013) - ★★★½

This game is really comfy. I like how it uses the back screen, it provides a new level of immersion that you don't get in other games. HOWEVER, I did encounter some strange collision detection issues, like getting caught behind walls and having to restart and whatnot. It didn't totally ruin my experience but it deffo lowered my view of the game. Other than that, it's quite fun. If you have a vita, get this game!

Date published: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 18:22:17 +0000

Ys Origin (2006) - ★★★★½

This is a really good game. After LONG break periods, I finally came back and beat this game. I think the reason why I was having trouble before, was that I was just barreling through areas in search of the next save point without grinding. In my last 3 hours, I took care and grinded a few levels before every boss encounter. Once I did this, boss battles became a cake walk (on normal difficulty that is a ha ha). As a long time fan of the Ys series, I'm happy to finally say that I cleared one of the games. Casual players may find this game repetitive, but I personally love this game play loop. The responsive nature of the combat is very addicting, and it makes grinding feel less like a chore and more like playing a game and having fun. Very very good game. If there's anything I'd critique, tho, it was that the flying enemies and bosses in the later levels were somewhat difficult to hit due to the angle of the camera, but I made do, and so will you. I also like Oath In Felghana better, it uses the same engine but has more varied locales with a cooler story.

Falcom please step your game up and make more games with this engine. Legend of Xanadu remake when??

Date published: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 06:20:15 +0000

Sonic R (1997) - ★★

alright so one day I was having a brilliant time playing Bulk Slash on my Sega Saturn. I was quite far in the game. Then, my baby cousin came over. I was thinking, aw man he's a curious mind that probably wants something to do. I'll turn off Bulk Slash and put on something fun for a boy his age. I put on Sonic R. He hated it. Since he's the boss, I'm going to have to knock this down a peg.

Date published: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 20:12:46 +0000

Arkista's Ring (1990) - ★★★½

It's a really comfy cozy game if you let it be. I only had the energy to play through it once, but I found it a pretty easy run through. Those ninjas on the later levels will kick your ass, but not hard enough for you to drop the game (tbh I cleared a first run of the game in 35 mins even with the evil ninjas bullying me). The enemies and settings were varied and the graphics were pretty chill. Definitely a game to listen to podcasts and audio-books to.

Date published: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 03:56:23 +0000

Hunt the Wumpus (1973) - ★★★★★

I made a port of this game for my final project in high school and got an A so i gotta give it props

Date published: Mon, 01 May 2023 15:04:38 +0000

Lost Reavers (2015) - unrated

I think I played it bc it was free back in the day. I remember liking it, but I remember getting disconnected from the servers. Game-play was repetitive, but I had fun with it. I didn't play it enough to make any real memories (internet issues etc), and content on the game online was quite sparse at the time. Nobody knew what it was.

Date published: Sun, 21 May 2023 14:27:11 +0000

System Shock 2 (1999) - unrated

i got scared

Date published: Mon, 15 May 2023 05:04:54 +0000

Super Black Onyx (1988) - unrated


Date published: Mon, 01 May 2023 15:07:20 +0000

Wara^2 Wars (1997) - unrated

yeah you're in too deep

Date published: Tue, 09 May 2023 03:20:12 +0000

Arkista's Ring (1990) - ★★★½

It's a really comfy cozy game if you let it be. I only had the energy to play through it once, but I found it a pretty easy run through. Those ninjas on the later levels will kick your ass, but not hard enough for you to drop the game (tbh I cleared a first run of the game in 35 mins even with the evil ninjas bullying me). The enemies and settings were varied and the graphics were pretty chill. Definitely a game to listen to podcasts and audio-books to.

Date published: Thu, 27 Apr 2023 03:56:23 +0000

Hunt the Wumpus (1973) - ★★★★★

I made a port of this game for my final project in high school and got an A so i gotta give it props

Date published: Mon, 01 May 2023 15:04:38 +0000

Majin Eiyuu-den Wataru Gaiden (1990) - unrated

I like the combat and music a lot. I'll try playing the fan translation before I give it a real rating.

Date published: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 19:20:34 +0000

Sonic R (1997) - ★★

alright so one day I was having a brilliant time playing Bulk Slash on my Sega Saturn. I was quite far in the game. Then, my baby cousin came over. I was thinking, aw man he's a curious mind that probably wants something to do. I'll turn off Bulk Slash and put on something fun for a boy his age. I put on Sonic R. He hated it. Since he's the boss, I'm going to have to knock this down a peg.

Date published: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 20:12:46 +0000

Ys Origin (2006) - ★★★★½

This is a really good game. After LONG break periods, I finally came back and beat this game. I think the reason why I was having trouble before, was that I was just barreling through areas in search of the next save point without grinding. In my last 3 hours, I took care and grinded a few levels before every boss encounter. Once I did this, boss battles became a cake walk (on normal difficulty that is a ha ha). As a long time fan of the Ys series, I'm happy to finally say that I cleared one of the games. Casual players may find this game repetitive, but I personally love this game play loop. The responsive nature of the combat is very addicting, and it makes grinding feel less like a chore and more like playing a game and having fun. Very very good game. If there's anything I'd critique, tho, it was that the flying enemies and bosses in the later levels were somewhat difficult to hit due to the angle of the camera, but I made do, and so will you. I also like Oath In Felghana better, it uses the same engine but has more varied locales with a cooler story.

Falcom please step your game up and make more games with this engine. Legend of Xanadu remake when??

Date published: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 06:20:15 +0000

Tearaway (2013) - ★★★½

This game is really comfy. I like how it uses the back screen, it provides a new level of immersion that you don't get in other games. HOWEVER, I did encounter some strange collision detection issues, like getting caught behind walls and having to restart and whatnot. It didn't totally ruin my experience but it deffo lowered my view of the game. Other than that, it's quite fun. If you have a vita, get this game!

Date published: Sun, 23 Apr 2023 18:22:17 +0000

Final Fantasy Adventure (1991) - ★★★½

This is a pretty good game boy game, I think the dungeon design, especially early on is pretty nice. It is obtuse at times, and you will certainly need a guide to solve a puzzle or 2, but it's generally a great little game. I played a lot of it when I was a kid, and have just gotten back into it. I will update this review once I complete it.

Date published: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:09:59 +0000

Super Mario Bros. 2 (1988) - ★★★★★

It's an 8 bit game with extremely solid gameplay, smooth difficulty curve, and never overstays its welcome.

Not to mention the good presentation on the Advanced remake. This is a good game everyone should play.

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:55:44 +0000

Combat (1977) - ★★★

This game is an OK distraction. Not super fun these days, probably good way to settle arguments tho lol

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:38:49 +0000

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (1991) - ★★★

They fixed all the problems people had with the NES game and it took out like half the charm. It's quite fun tho! Great for a little pocket adventure.

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:37:02 +0000

Kid Icarus (1986) - unrated

I adore how mysterious this game is.

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:35:45 +0000

Celeste Classic (2015) - unrated

im gonna be real i only played this version and for years i was very confused about the clout it was getting

Date published: Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:27:53 +0000

Pong (1972) - ★★★★½

Played at my local arcade with a friend. It was around 10pm, we were burnt out on Marvel vs Capcom and Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder. Looking for a place of refuge, we happened upon a darker corner of the already dimly lit Barcade, and between two space age leather chairs sat the cocktail-style pong cabinet. It was the only machine in the house priced at a single token, and you could tell it was old because it was also the only machine in the house that had an old label for ten cents instead of the customary 25 or 50.

I mean we all know that pong is already a pretty good game right? But something about that vibe of finding it in it's own little void after the busy intensities of more modern games, retreating to the old and worn down knobs and the ominous white glow of the CRT. You could feel the game's age when the screen had to align itself once you put in the quarter.

I hope I'm not coming off as too pretentious right now, but that was a fun and memorable moment. Even though everyone's played pong, it still felt like we found something special that day.

Oh, and I totally kicked his ass too.

Date published: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:15:06 +0000

Joust (1982) - ★★★

My local arcade has this game, tho i have also played the 2600 version. It's pretty neat for what it is, overall the game is pretty funny. Bashing birds and making them lay eggs?? goofy ass game is worth checking out

Date published: Sat, 04 Mar 2023 01:00:58 +0000

Gauntlet IV (1993) - ★★★★½

If you like arcade the original arcade game, and you enjoy intense, repetitive arcade games in general, this is a great game. If not, you probably won't like it much. I wish it had battery save instead of password save for the story mode, and I also wish the story mode had slightly more meat to it, but it's still very fun. Many have spoken highly about how good this music is, but the music just hits different when actually playing the game too. It's almost intoxicating, and gets you craving for that pixel blood-lust this game totally delivers on. Would recommend for arcade fanatics!

Date published: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 01:21:27 +0000

Master of Monsters (1988) - ★★★★½

The music in this game is beautiful. This is the first hexagonal game I've played, and i have to say it was great. i feel like i need to read a guide (I tried the manual, it was not much help), to get a feel for all the transformations you can unlock, as well as all the spells you can do (and how to do them??), as that's not explained in game. But the actual game loop is very compelling! Gem of a game.

Things I learned from my one 8 hour battle on a small island:
- try not to let your mobs die, as once they get enough exp, they level up and transform into way stronger versions of themselves.
- the amount of bases you take defines how many mobs you can get, tho if you lose a base, you won't lose a monster if it's already summoned
- maybe take some notes as to the terrain you're on, only certain monsters can cross the plains, mountains, jungle, and ocean. usually related to their types. winged monsters can fly over the whole mountains, water beasts can't travel on land but can go all over the ocean etc
- some of the beasts have weaknesses to certain types, and i think it attacks might change based on what angle you're hitting the enemy from. somebody needs to make a type advantage chart

Date published: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 01:10:26 +0000

Xanadu (1985) - ★★★

I played the sega saturn port. This is a pretty neat game. Although it's somewhat repetetive, it's kinda relaxing to play in a way. I enjoyed leveling up my character's gear. The food mechanic is kind of annoying (make sure you have food in your inventory, or else you'll starve!), but I got used to it.

The game itself has little direction, I think i need to just try playing it again with an English translation (I played the untouched Saturn port). I found myself pretty lost after I had out leveled all the area's monsters. I've been told that I need to use a ring to get to the next area. Next time I revisit the game, I'll be sure to do some preparations.

TLDR: This is an old school game that's both really really realllly repetitive and really realllly really obtuse. If you can stomach that, then you'll find this game has a unique, almost addictive allure. But if that's too much, I'd understand. As for me, I will be returning to this game.

Also - this game takes up like nearly 400 blocks in memory on the Sega Saturn, so you might want to manage your blocks a bit before playing.

Date published: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:13:48 +0000

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012) - ★★★★★

THE best nintendo game. TGHE BEST !!!rjtgffgjdfsjgf

Date published: Tue, 27 Sep 2022 01:42:57 +0000

Bubble Bobble (1987) - ★★★★★

We true bobblers know what the fuck is up. Watch yoself before you got POPPED!

Date published: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 17:57:06 +0000

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (1992) - ★★

first boss is damn near unbeatable bro why is this so hard

Date published: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 17:52:03 +0000

Magical Taluluto-kun (1992) - ★★★

I beat this game in one sitting and immediately forgot about it. It's fun!!

Date published: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 17:47:01 +0000

Anonymous Notes: Chapter 1 - From the Abyss (2011) - ★★★

I played this way back when. It was alright, but repetitive. I always liked the graphics and music. As a kid, I really just wanted to continue the adventure, and play through the whole game. I just found out that it has a cartridge, so I'll make a full review one day soon.

TLDR: It's a cute rouge-like action RPG. Not super memorable, but well put together nonetheless.

Date published: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 04:22:38 +0000

Risk of Rain 2 (2019) - ★★★★★

This game is special.

Date published: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 06:02:22 +0000

Adventure (1979) - ★★★½

I enjoyed it.

Date published: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 05:56:47 +0000

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