Yudo's Game Development Hub

Hey guys, I have a little bit of free time and internet access so I thought I might make a page dedicated to an old hobby of mine!

This page is gonna be a resource for all of you whippersnappers who want to try their hand at programming on antiquated gaming hardware.

Now keep in mind, this page is geared more towards consoles than computers, but I will include info about PC gamedev from time to time.

Here's a list of consoles you can program (ordered by ease of entry/abundence of dev materials/communtiy growth):

  1. Sega Genesis\Mega Drive
    This is the best system in my opinion for homebrew games. Look below and you'll see why.
  2. Nintendo Game Boy
    Programming on the game boy is very accesible. Flash cartridges are cheap and abundant on the net, there are a plethora of dev tools for you to use. Because a list about GB dev stuff already exists. I'll keep this section breif.
  3. Atari 2600
    Weren't expecting this one were you? The dev communtiy for the 2600 is GARGANTUAN, and new games are released every year. Most of the major dev tools are usable in some form on all windows distributions since 95, and development is fun and easy. Once you're done with your game, get it on a cartridge here.
  4. Sega Saturn
    Atari 2600 not cooky enough for ya? Try this on for size!
    Back in the day, Saturn programming was harder than a rock. But nowadays, it's easier than ever.
  5. Nintendo Entertainment System
    Ahh yes the good ol' Nintendo. For the longest time I've had my eye on tinkering with this machine, but the availible software was never enticing enough for me to get off the ground with. Not enticing enough, until now....
  6. Neo Geo Pocket Color
    Sorry I had to be the one to tell you this but the NEO GEO Pocket Color is pretty rad. It's pretty unfortunate that its library is so damn tiny. But maybe you can change that idk.
  7. Neo Geo Pocket Color
    Sorry I had to be the one to tell you this but the NEO GEO Pocket Color is pretty rad. It's pretty unfortunate that its library is so damn tiny. But maybe you can change that idk.
  8. Dev Kit Pro
    I'm too lazy to go through each one of these systems. So like, I'm just gonna leave this and be on my merry way.