November 11, 2020
Quick update: I'm uploading one song a day on my music youtube channel, 909crime!
Check it out!
November 5, 2020
I'm dead set on switching my career from web development to game development.
The only problem is that I am not sure about what to focus on. I can code, I can compose, I can design gameplay, I can do graphics, but doing them all or even more than one is overwhelming for me. I'm probably the most talented at composition, but time and practice could bring me up to speed. I'm going to have to get over myself and just sharpen my skills and build my portfolio.
September 12, 2020
I've updated my logo from hand drawn to 3d!
Maybe it's a hint for my next project??? who knows..
September 5, 2020
What's up yall. I'm considering a carreer shift from web dev to game development. It seems a lot more fun!
link of the day: FUCK
August 31, 2020
Owo? What's this? A new look?
Yup... a new look!
I can't wait to expand on this design. I'm still gonna incorporate the design phliosophy I had for the last set, just taking it into a different direction.
I want to give users the option to get to the content they want (at any time LOL) AND leave room for easter eggs, rabbit holes, projects, and the like. But who knows? It's like they say in baseball, anything can happen.
Making Sega Genesis Games
September 7, 2020
Here is a quick guide on all the things you'll need to manufacture Sega Genesis Cartridges.
![]() ![]() ![]() Gang 2015-2020 |