June, July 2024

Iczer Anime Reviews

Iczer One

Iczer One: Sorry that I just got your parents killed but you're cute btw!!! I love you ><

Nagisa: cringe!

Iczer one: The tentacle monsters are coming for YOU specifically now, oops! Will you fight them with me? I want you so bad. BTW all your friends are dead. You're nothing without m

Nagisa: go away!!

ICZER ONE: alright be like that here's a protection shield that will keep you safe forever and ever ❤️💙♥️💛💕

Nagisa: .....

Iczer 1: *saves a child*

Nagisa: I love you.

Iczer one: this is my girlfriend

Iczer 2: ....

Iczer 2: this is my girlfriend

Nagisa: KILL ME

Iczer one: OK *kills her & levels up*

Ikzer 2: Why did you kill my girlfriend

Ikzer one: OK *kills her & levels up*

Ikzer 2: bro

Big gold: gg

Ikzer one: *kills her & hits max level*

Ikzer One: *restarted the game on new game++ where she plays as big gold this time*

Terrible rolls all around. It's paced like a TV anime but the length of a film. Kinda weird and slow at times but it's fun. Could have done without all the tentacle rape though...

Fun parts:

AITA for killing my crushes parents

Hey, the storys kinda complacated. Please read this before passing judgement upon me. I (android, female) have a crush on this girl (13F) Nagisa (not real name ofc) and I selected her to be my partner in the incoming onslaught of alien android biocomputers and human devouring tentacle monsters. I can sense that she would be a great merge partner with me, so that's why I selected her. This alien race called the Clthulu is after me tho, and now that they know I found a partner, they started to go after Nagisa to prevent us from being together. A few of her friends got turned into monsters, but luckily Nagisa is safe (I've been protecting her from the shadows). Last night, I stayed watch outside her house and nothing happened. However, this morning when I went to investigate a strange sound, an alternate dimension unfolded around me, and I was stuck dealing with some more hellspawn, Nagisa's parents were being killed and devoured by monsters. Thanks to me though, I saved the day before they could really hurt Nagisa too bad. I've taken her away from the monsters. Although I've rescued her and told her all of this, she's been yelling at me all day and refuses to sync with me in my mech to save planet earth. Although I'm happy to finally get to talk to her about something, I can't help but feel a little confused as to what I'm doing wrong? I saved her and her family dozens of times, I'm trying my best to show myself as a strong capable protector for her, but all she does is yell and sob and hyperventilate when she's around me. Am I doing something wrong here?

Tldr: I protected my crush from a threat that was coming anyway and now i think she hates me.. I want her so bad you guys is there any hope for us?

⏫️35 KommanderColbalt98: NTA. You were truthful and honest with the situation, and came to her side when she needed you the most. I think you should use this situation to try to get her to merge with you. Her emotions are pretty high, and that is usually a good way to channel energy back into your mech.

    Sepia99: I always have my emotions high for you

        KommanderColbalt98: mmphhff

Iczer Three

((Unordered spur of the moment thoughts..))

Why are there MEN in this show?? I thought this was lesbians only...

The dudes hair points one direction no matter which way he is facing and i honeslty respect the bit!!!

Omg this intro fucks incredibly. If your intro aint fuckin like this then is it really an anime...

If you don't fuck with this you LYING. Maiko Yoshino you cooked so hard. I'm getting emotional 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

The soundtrack is bussin the whole time too.

This shit was kinda ass until Iczer 3 came on screen.

This story is pretty campy ngl. Big gold mogs Neo Gold any day of the week. Neo Gold has ths depth of a megaman robot master.

They replaced the horrror element with way more science fiction and overall action and i get why. This show is generally a lot more paletable than Iczer one was. HOWEVER, as a budding horror ham i am missing the sense of existential dread i felt while watching Iczer one.

The character designs are freaking awseome. BIGRO is so bad chat....


Soulessly mid sequel to an ova that i thibk was slightpy better. Iczer reborn succeeds at being a lot more watchachable than Iczer One, but the richness of Iczer One's rawness is so dense that it makes them very difficult to compare. It's like watching Pluto then watching Astro boy after. TOnal whiplash that feels like a direvt sequel but made for a totally different demographic.

Actually nah FUCK that biz. The campiness of Iczer Three overrides the rawness of Iczer One. It's such a weird anime that always sticks to the bit. And you know what??? I fuck with it. I fuck with the effort they put into this weird anime. I fuck with Iczer three's awsome character animation. I fuck with the character deisngs of the four kings. I fuck with the sonic identity of this program. I fuck with the weird dialouge. I fuck with the unintentionally hilarious screams and deaths, like seriosly the comedic timing boarders on slapstick humor. It's SO weird in an anime like this but thats what makes it unique. I fuck with all the weird ways they idolise Nagisa even tho shes literally just there. I fuck with the stupid NPCs that barely do anything until the end of the show. I fuck with the fact that damn near EVERYONE has shoulder pads and goofy armor. I fuck with how the show first forces iczer one to kill her sister but then allows Iczer three's clone to chose to sacrifice herself FOR her sister. I fuck with how Iczer one got a second chance to not kill her sister and TOOK the chance. Like i almost teared up man why did it make me care so much. Its simple but you know what im a simple guy. I'm a simp for this show. I FUCK WITH ICZER REBORN HEAVY!!! The last 2 episodes carried bigtime ngl. Such a satisfying watch.


Yeah thats Iczer. There's mangas and whatnot but I'll leave things here for now. Imma be real, I've never really been anything more than a casual when it comes to superhero stuff, but this was overall QUITE enjoyable. Especially Iczer Reborn, though all of thes anime tho are cool in their own super weird ways. Want a freaky ass horror sci fi anime? Iczer One. Want a bussin sequel that improves on the original in every way? Iczer Reborn. Want to see some cool ass monster designs, really fun animation, and unrealized potential? Iczelion i guess. That was a fun binge tho. See this is why I like reviewing shorter anime since I get to do pages like this.